Rossi Boots 4002 Mulga Soft Toe Bushwalking Boot Review – $219 AUS

I’ve got a thing for boots. It should come as no surprise since this is the fourth pair of boots I’ve reviewed in the past couple of months. I am excited to have the opportunity to work with Rossi Boots. This is the first Australia-based boot company BestLeather has featured. To date, I’ve been extremely pleased with the Rossi Boots 4002 Mulga Soft Toe Bushwalking Boot.


About Rossi Boots

Rossi Boots hails from Adelaide, Australia. Since 1910 they’ve been making boots. They have over 50 different boot styles.

“If there’s a bigger value than family at Rossi Boots, it’s our belief in uncompromising quality and value for money. No short cuts. It’s as simple as that. Only time-honoured, boot making craftsmanship combined with the finest materials will ensure each boot is built to work hard and play hard. And beyond expectations.”

After dialoguing with Jayne-Anne from Rossi Boots, we decided to review their Mulga Soft Toe Bushwalking Boots.



When I inquired of Jayne-Anne about the construction process for the Mulga Boots, this is what she said, “It’s a pretty simple boot without a lot of bells and whistles to speak of. Classic and honest with a focus on durability.”


The boots are constructed with what they refer to as a “claret” colored kip leather. Kip leather is 20% lighter and tighter grained than conventional steer hide. As a result it is more pliable, easier to break in, and still retains superior tensile strength. The eyelets are rust proof. The sole is rubber and features a classic hiker style tread. There is a steel shank embedded in the sole to provide rigidity and support.


The construction appears to be solid and the boots are well finished. The stitching is even and doubled up in many different areas on the boots.



If you read any of the reviews on sites where the Mulga can be purchased, you’ll quickly come to the conclusion that it’s a well-loved boot. After wearing them for the first time it became quickly apparent to me that I would grow very fond of these boots.

Since receiving these boots, they have become my daily, go-to boots. I’ve worn them more than any other pair of boots I have currently. They are easy to put on and take off. They lace up quickly. They look great and feel fantastic on my feet.



The reason I put claret in quotes earlier is because I’m not sure I agree with that color designation. Claret is usually thought of as a deep purplish-red color (similar to red wine). While I can see some hints of that, I’d rather keep it simple and just call it a nice, dark chocolate color. Whatever word you choose to describe the color, one thing is certain…I like the way they look.

Rossi-Boots-Mulga-Bushwalking-Boots-3Even though they aren’t a “standout” in fashion or design, they get commented upon frequently. Their classic design and slightly thinner profile in the toe box area simply combines to create a bit more of a unique appearance than other standard hiking style boots.



If you’re located in the US, like I am, and can get a pair of these boots, then do it. You won’t be disappointed. These are popular boots in many different countries around the world. And, they should be equally popular here in the US. They’re built well, feature a solid appearance, and are definitely a comfortable, daily wear boot.



Sizing is UK based – so please remember that and refer to the sizing chart should you plan to order a pair and are used to US footwear sizes. Currently I am unaware of a US-based online or brick and mortar retailer who carries the Mulga Boots for Rossi. While there are online companies selling other Rossi Boots here in the states, the Mulga is mysteriously absent. All of the online retailers I’ve found that sell the Mulga Boots are located within Australia. When ordering, you may find the boots for much lower prices than the retail price listed here in the review – but, be prepared for some hefty shipping charges too. So, do your homework and find the best deal possible. And, if you’re a US-based retailer and you’re looking to add a new brand to your arsenal…talk to Rossi and please, add the Mulga Boot to your site.

At $219 Australian (approx. $189 US), I consider the Rossi 4002 Mulga Soft Toe Bushwalking Boot to be a great buy. They’re unique, stylish, comfortable, and made from excellent materials by a solid, reputable Australian company. I look forward to reporting on these boots again in a few months to let you all know how they’re wearing.

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