Leather Companies

Directory of Leather Companies

Below you will find the biggest collection of leather companies on the internet. If you are a leather company that wishes to be added to our directory you can fill out your submission here.

Featured Leather Companies

Name: Rugged Material Location: Cedar City, Utah Websitewww.ruggedmaterial.com

Company Description: Rugged Material is an American Travel Goods Company. We design timeless carry goods for modern life and build them the old-fashioned way. Everything we design and produce is Made in USA, Guaranteed for life and Sold Directly to you!

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It's a tragedy of the first magnitude that millions of people have ceased to use their hands as hands. Nature has bestowed upon us this great gift which is our hands. If the craze for machinery methods continues, it is highly likely that a time will come when we shall be so incapacitated and weak that we shall begin to curse ourselves for having forgotten the use of the living machines given to us by God. - Mahatma Ghandi

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