If you journal or just take notes on a consistent basis then you know how difficult it can be to keep your journal looking great for years to come. Buying the Moleskine acid free notebooks is a good start, but then protecting the notebook itself is the second step.
Photos by Kristin Kastning.
This moleskin cover uses one continuous piece full grain leather, marine thread, double stitching, pigskin lining (stronger than cowhide), and the notebook’s included elastic band to hold the book closed.
There is not much more to say; these are excellent components and together they assimilate into an incredibly simple and functional moleskin cover.
The point; the Saddleback Leather Moleskin Cover is not falling apart anytime within the 21st century.
You have a choice of two sizes of moleskin covers. The small and the medium. Frankly, the medium seems more useful and better value while the thickness of the leather in the small would make it overly stiff. However, that is speculation (take it with a grain of salt).
Best Leather conclusion
At $45 to $65 for either moleskin cover this is not a cheap solution for protecting your notebook. However, neither is it cheaply made. The time frame you should consider is not in years, but in lifetimes. There is no doubt this thick full grain leather journal cover will last more than a century with proper care. Once you consider the longevity of the cover, the price and intense construction makes more sense.
The quality is worth it if you plan on writing in Moleskins for more than ten years.
The Saddleback Leather Moleskin Covers can be found on the Saddleback Leather website and occasionally on Ebay for those looking for a deal.
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