Check out Phonster on Kickstarter

On September 8 2015, “AGE” brand launched a Kickstarter campaign for “Phonster”, premium handcrafted holster for phone, wallet and keys. Made from 100% leather, this product allows quick and comfortable access for every day carry items. “Phonster” reached funding goal in 4 hours. The team has since more than quadrupled their goal with more than a month to go.


The original inventor and Chief Designer of the AGE brand, Egor Teteria, says he made the Phonster to carry his own large-screen phone, which always stick out of his pocket. “No more bulging pockets ever, missed calls are a thing of the past,” says the team,” You can hear, see and access your phone instantly. And it provides the security often desired by consumers”.

Phonster is consist of two cases for phone and wallet, a backpart and a “Sport-Fix” clip – an additional removable fitting made from strong elastic, designed for running, training, etс.


If you decide to join in on the Kickstarter fun, backers can gain access to a different sets of Phonsters including a handcrafted wallet for as little as $25, Phonster One for $49, Phonster Double for two phones for $69, and Phonster Full starting at the super early bird price of $89. Very affordable price for early supporters. Backers can also receive a super set with three Pnonsters for a pledge of $280, and more!

For more information, please visit the Kickstarter page or visit their website.

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