Brace Leather Announces Kickstarter

Brace Leather, out of Montreal, has recently announced their nearly-funded Kickstarter.  Founder Yann Berube writes:

“The idea for Brace came from our desire for a cohesive line of quality leather goods that would simplify working or studying on the go. We wanted these goods to be well designed, well-made and with long-lasting, quality materials that look good too. Enter Collection 001: Man Overboard, Essential Leather Accessories designed for life on the go and delivered in one simple kit.”


This first collection was based on the founders’ personal lifestyle and made for people who live and work on the go. All their leather goods are made by hand in limited runs, using full grain leather, in their Montreal studio.

But this is just the beginning. The plan is to expand the idea and begin a series of collaborations with creatives and entrepreneurs. Imagine a kit of essential leather goods made specifically for the Photographer, the Artist or the Chef. The goal is to partner with their favourites in each field and create a kit of essentials specific to the profession and lifestyle.


The products offered in their Kickstarter include snaps, key rings, card holders, laptop sleeves, and charger holsters. You can create the Man Overboard kit for just $248 USD, which saves you about $100 USD.

You can find more about us on Brace Leather’s website or Instagram.

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