Rustic Leather US Mailbag Replica Under Review – Initial Thoughts

Here are three quick points on this mailbag replica to tease you, since a full review is forthcoming.


This bag is beautiful. The color leans toward the mustard end of the general “leather color” spectrum, and it makes an impact. I have received a number of remarks on it already, including one from an older man who went on about how the bag is so stylish and yet classically “nice” and how if I am ever in a sales position, I should bring the bag (even empty, if necessary). The leather feels quite nice and does not mark easily.

Rustic Leather US Mailbag Review2


The bag has been quite practical for my own lifestyle, as it is able to fully secure my laptop and personal effects without compromising accessibility. There is just a flap and then a nice easy YKK zipper pocket for my goodies, and strap and post fastener for the main two compartments. On top of this, it is actually fairly lightweight compared to the piece I was for my EDC.


The width of the top flap only barely covers the opening of the main compartment, where I store my laptop. This is a point of concern for me during the Winter, as I live in a climate with heavy precipitation. I wish this flap were a little wider. I have had to put the bag on (cross-body), then my my jacket on over the bag, and zip it all up to walk the six or so blocks I need to in order to get to my car in the snow after working at the cafe.

Rustic Leather US Mailbag Review1

The bag has been a strong performer and it is a viable candidate for usurping my Saddleback Leather Tank Backpack on daily treks down to my favorite coffee shop.

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